10 Simple Things To Do When You're Feeling Anxious

orange and pink flowers with green leaves; text overlay reads: 10 Simple Things To Do When Feeling Anxious www.blissjoybull.com

Are you feeling overwhelmed? Worried what will happen next? Unsure how to answer someone questioning you? Here is a simple guide to get calm, centered, and in the present moment. 

Disclosure: At the bottom of this post there are affiliate links related to self care. Affiliate links, meaning, at no additional cost to you, I will earn a commission if you click through and make a purchase.  

When you feel anxious, your thinking tends to become irrational. Ask yourself the following questions:

  1. Is my thinking based on fact?
  2. Does my thinking help me achieve my goals?
  3. Does my thinking help me feel the way I want to feel?

Your breathing can become shallow when you are nervous. This will exacerbate the problem. Breathe in tandem with this gif to slow down your breathing. Breathe in and out slowly through your nose.


Here is a list of simple things you can do when you're feeling anxious. Some of these things are good for when you're in a social situation; others are better to use when you have the time and space to think by yourself. Pick one of these 10 things to do when you're feeling anxious:

  1. Belly breathing: breathe deeply into the diaphragm. This works well in tandem with the gif, above. Breathe deeply for a few minutes. 
  2. Stretch. Even a simple move of stretching your arms above your head and yawning can help you get more grounded.
  3. Go for a walk. Notice the sights, sounds, and smells. Find a garden to sit in and literally smell the roses.
  4. Positive reassurance. Tell yourself, "I'm okay, it's okay, I've got you".
  5. Draw or journal. Let the mind wander without judgement. 
  6. Put your hand over your heart and breathe deeply.
  7. 3 deep breaths.
  8. Hold own hand.
  9. Yawn audibly.
  10. Hug yourself.

Notice how're you're feeling. If your mind is still stirring, pick another from the list and keep going until you feel more calm. 

I can get overwhelmed easily in social situations. Even as something as simple as someone asking me my opinion. If I feel overwhelmed in this type of situation, I try to remember to respond, "I need a moment to think about that". Then take a deep breath and stretch. I'm usually able to connect to myself again and say what I'm thinking. 

I hope you found something useful in this list. What is something that you do to calm an anxious mind? Please share in the comments!

A friend recently shared the following on FB:

If you text "Home" to 741741 when you are feeling depressed, sad, or going through any kind of emotional crisis, a crisis worker will text you back immediately and continue to text with you. Many people prefer text to talking on the phone. It's a free service to anyone. 

If you are seriously struggling, please get the help you need and call the National Suicide Prevention Lifeline at 1-800-273-8255. You can also chat with them. They are available 24/7. It's all free and confidential. 


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