The Mask Initiative

Bliss Joy Bull has donated 103 masks to The Chicago Children's Advocacy Center. 

Chicago Children's Advocacy Center and partners are front line responders dedicated to restoring the lives of thousands of Chicago children who are survivors of sexual abuse and other violence every year. ChicagoCAC provides a multidisciplinary response to allegations of sexual abuse and other violence including developmentally appropriate and trauma informed forensic interviews, medical exams, and therapy services. We believe that children should be able to tell their story in their own words to adults who believe them and will help them heal.

Donate to the cause with our one for one mask initiative you'll receive a mask, and one mask will be donated to ChicagoCAC. 

Donate a mask to Chicago CAC. 

If you'd like to donate to the Mask Initiative, and help Bliss Joy Bull make and distribute more masks to ChicagoCAC, make a donation of your choice here: